
To make the most out of the test

PROGOS Japanese is a test that measures your current speaking proficirncy. You will hear an automated voice, after which you need to answer the question.

Speak as much as possible.

If you don’t say anything, you will get a score of zero. There is no need to use difficult words. Use as many related words as possible that you know, and make sure use all the time you have available to answer to speak.

Example: 休みの日に何をしますか。

When answering the question, pay attention to the following points to get a higher score.

1) Listen carefully to the question and answer logically (also give reasons, assumptions, or examples, etc.).
2) Use a variety of words and speak using the correct grammar.
3) Try to speak in a way that is easy to understand (pronunciation, accent, and intonation).

The test will be delivered in an automated recorded voice, but respond or answer as if you were actually talking to a person.

Notes on the test:

Five points to keep in mind when taking the test

- The audio will be played only once.
- All questions have a fixed time to answer. When the time is up, you will automatically proceed to the next question.
- You cannot return to the previous question.
- Please take the test in a stable communication environment and speak clearly when answering. Inaudible recordings will not be graded.
- Please do the “Environment Check Test” before the test to make sure there are no technical problems.
- If communication is lost during the test, you must register for the test again.
- However, if the communication is lost for reasons beyond the control of the test taker, you may start from where you left off.

Sample questions:
Part 1: Interview

You will answer short verbal questions (i.e. there is no text). Listen carefully to the audio. If you do not understand the whole question, say something about the part that you do understand.

Number of questions: 10
Preparation time: None
Response time: 20 seconds each
Text: None

Explanation will be played in Japanese.

How to answer:
Listen to the question → Answer (within 20 seconds) → Repeated process for the 10 questions.

Part 2: Reading Aloud

In this section you are required to read aloud the sentence. Try to understand the meaning as much as possible while reading, paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

Number of questions: 8
Preparation time: None
Response time: 10 seconds each
Text: ✓

Explanation will be played in Japanese.
How to answer:
Questions will appear on the screen → Read the sentence aloud ( within 10 seconds) → Repeat the process for eight (8) questions

Part 3: Speech

You will have one minute to speak on a given topic. There are three points you must include in your speech, so use all of your response time to talk about the three points. It is acceptable if the content is not true.

Number of questions: 1 question
Preparation time: 40 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Text: ✓

Explanation will be played in Japanese.
How to answer:
Listen and read the question → Think about your answer (40 seconds) → Answer (60 seconds)

Part 4: Presentation

You will have one minute to talk about the information shown on the graphs or tables. Explain what it shows and what you can read or interpret from the graph or table.

Number of questions: 1
Preparation time: 40 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Text: ✓

Explanation will be played in Japanese.
How to answer:
Listen and read the question, and look at graphs and tables → Think about your answer (40 seconds) → Answer (60 seconds)

Part 5: Roleplay
In this part, you will pretend to interact in a certain situation. First, you will see an explanation of the situation background and the key points of the interaction. Read and listen to this explanation. Next, you will have some time to prepare. After your preparation time, you will hear a series of audio prompts. You will need to answer each prompt immediately after it plays. Because this is a business situation, there may be some things you may not have experienced before. Try to use your imagination if necessary to answer the questions.

Number of Prompts: 4
Preparation Time: 40 seconds
Response Tme: 30 seconds each
Text: none

Explanation will be played in Japanese.
How to do this part:
Read and listen to the situation background and the key points of the interaction → Imagine the situation (40 seconds) → Listen to the prompt → Answer (30 seconds) → Repeat last two steps for all four (4) prompts


Notification of Results
Results will be available on the site within approximately 10 business days. You will be notified by e-mail when the result are ready to be viewed.

Test Results
Test results are displayed in 11 possible levels (Pre-A1 / A1 / A1High / A2 / A2High / B1 / B1High / B2 / B2High / C1 / C2) based on CEFR. In addition, six(6) levels (Pre-A1 / A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1) are also displayed for each of the following quakitative aspects: range, accuracy, fluency, interaction, coherence, and phonology, and learning feedback is also provided.


What environment is required to take the exam?
Please use one of the following browsers: Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox / Microsoft Edge / Safari. The latest version of each browser is recommended. It is recommended that you use headphones with a microphone, earphones, or a headset. A camera is not required.
What are the communication charges and required connection speeds for a test?
The data volume required is about 60-100 MB, depending on the length of the responses. The recommended line speed is *10 Mbps or higher. *This speed assumes there is a stable connection.
May I take notes during the test?
You may take notes.
However, please note that copying, photographing, recording, or screen capturing of test questions are strictly prohibited.
How will I be scored?
Evaluators who have passed a rigorous selection and training process will score the test objectively, using evaluation methods designed based on the latest linguistic research.
Is there anything I should be careful about related to my answers?
Correct scoring may not be possible in the following cases:
Silent answers, answers in languages other than Japanese, answers unrelated to the question, and other answers that are not in line with the purpose of this test.
Why does the test date or time differ from the time I took the test?
The test results are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Japan time is normally 9 hours ahead of UTC.
What are the communication charges and required connection speeds for a test?
The data volume required is about 60-100 MB, depending on the length of the responses. The recommended line speed is *10 Mbps or higher. *This speed assumes there is a stable connection.